<!DOCTYPE stack PUBLIC "-//Apple, Inc.//DTD stack V 2.0//EN" "" >
<cantModify><true /></cantModify>
<cantDelete><false /></cantDelete>
<cantAbort><false /></cantAbort>
<script>on idleTimeDisplaypass idleend idle-------------------------------------------------------------------- Millenium Stack ---- ---- Written October ’91. Graphics finished May ’92 ---- Yet another stack by Mike Trinder. © 1992 MPBT ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------On Openstackglobal Millenium,IconList,NumberListput "2028,2001,2004,2007,2010,2013,2016,2019,2022,2025" into IconListput "1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5,6,6,6,7,7,7,8,8,8,9,9,9,0,0,0" into NumberListput "1/1/2001" into Milleniumconvert Millenium to Secondsif the icon of btn 1 is 7000 then warmupend Openstackon resumestackglobal Millenium,IconListset the icon of bg btn 13 to 5003set the numberformat to "0.000000000"put (Millenium - the seconds)/1000000000 into SecsLeftrepeat with x = 3 to 11set the icon of bg btn (x-2) to item ((char x of SecsLeft)+1) of IconListend repeatset the icon of btn 3 to 8001set the icon of btn 5 to 8000end resumestackOn TimeDisplayglobal Milleniumset the numberformat to "0.000000000"put (Millenium - the seconds)/1000000000 into SecsLeftregulatorSettoCorrectTime char 3 to 11 of SecsLeftif SecsLeft <= 0 thenDoMilleniumend ifEnd TimeDisplayOn SetToCorrectTime SecsLeftglobal NumberListrepeat with x = 1 to 9put item (the icon of bg btn x)-2000 of NumberList into Currentif Current <> char x of SecsLeft then Spin x,char x of SecsLeftend repeatend SetToCorrectTimeon Regulatorput (the icon of bg btn 10) + 1 into Regput (the icon of bg btn 11) + 1 into Steamput (the icon of bg btn 14) -1 into Dialput (the icon of bg btn 12) + 1 into Cogif Cog >6007 then put 6000 into Cogif Dial <5000 then put 5000 into Dialif Steam > 4013 then put 4000 into Steamif Reg > 3003 then put 3000 into Regset the icon of bg btn 10 to Regset the icon of bg btn 11 to Steamset the icon of bg btn 14 to Dialset the icon of bg btn 12 to CogEnd Regulatoron spin WheelNo,TheFigureglobal IconListput the icon of bg btn 14 into Dialput the icon of bg btn WheelNo into TheIconrepeat until TheIcon = item (TheFigure +1) of IconListif Dial ≠ 5004 then add 1 to Dialsubtract 1 from TheIconif TheIcon < 2001 then put 2030 into TheIconset the icon of bg btn WheelNo to TheIconset the icon of bg btn 14 to Dialend repeatplay clickend spinon Mouseuprepeat with x = 1 to 9repeat with TheIcon = 2001 to 2030set the icon of bg btn x to TheIconend repeatset the icon of bg btn x to char x of "Milleniuµ"play clickend repeatlock screenrepeat with x = 1 to the number of cards of this backgroundgo nextshow cd fld 1end repeatplay Timesignalunlock screen with dissolve slowlyrepeat until the mouse is downregulatorend repeatlock screenhide cd fld 1if the icon of btn 1 = 7001 then clearclockunlock screen with wipe up slowlyend mouseupOn Domilleniumbeep 2answer "Happy New Millenium !!!!!!!" with "Party" or "Party" or "Party"stopclockend DomilleniumOn ClearClockrepeat with x = 1 to 9set the icon of bg btn x to 2000end repeatset the icon of bg btn 10 to 3002set the icon of bg btn 11 to 4009set the icon of bg btn 13 to 5000set the icon of bg btn 14 to 5000set the icon of btn 3 to 8000set the icon of btn 4 to 8001set the icon of btn 5 to 8001end ClearClockon startclockchoose browse toolset the cursor to watchhide cd fld 1lock screenSet the icon of btn 1 to 7000set the icon of btn 2 to 7001unlock screen with wipe leftput the script of t